After migrating from Ultra Tree v9.2 to 11.1, we are facing the following challenge
Code snippet
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load With UltraTree1 .ViewStyle = ViewStyle.OutlookExpress .ColumnSettings.RootColumnSet.Columns.Add("C2") .ColumnSettings.RootColumnSet.Columns.Add("C3") .ColumnSettings.RootColumnSet.Columns.Add("C4") Dim csFolder As UltraTreeColumnSet = .ColumnSettings.ColumnSets.Add("Folder") csFolder.Columns.Add("Description") csFolder.Columns("Description").CanShowExpansionIndicator = DefaultableBoolean.False
csFolder.Columns("Description").LayoutInfo.WeightX = 100 csFolder.Columns("Description").LayoutInfo.OriginX = 0 csFolder.Columns("Description").LayoutInfo.SpanX = 3
.Nodes.Add("A", "This is a text") .Nodes.Override.ColumnSet = csFolder .Nodes("A").SetCellValue(csFolder.Columns("Description"), "Liju Sankar") End With End Sub
Hello Danko,
Thank you very much for your comments, how ever this will not help us to resolve our issue since this approach will increate the width of the whole column.
The issue has been resolved by adding a 'Creation Filter' to adjust the width for each row so that user may get a feeling of cells are Merged.
Hello Liju,
I have been able to find a way to achieve what you are looking for here in NetAdvantage 2011 vol1.
If the root column has "C2" key, whay you could do is the following:
With UltraTree1 .ColumnSettings.RootColumnSet.Columns("C2").PerformAutoResize()
Doing so you will force the ultreTree to calculate the needed space to show the whole text in your column. You would perform this action after setting the cell value of this column.
Please let me know if you have anyother questions with this matter.
Hi Danko ,
Thank you!
I was used Ultra tree v9.2 to develop my UI as shown in v9.2 screenshot, after upgrade my UI is not legible as it in v9.2 ( please see v 11.1 screenshot)
Could you please help me to configure my UI in v 11.1 to meet my requirment ( as in v9.2 screenshot)
Thank you very much for you reply.
Version of 9.2 Dll
I have tried the following code and in both versions worked the same for me, as it shown in the Ultra Tree v 11.1 screenshot which is expected behavior since the column is actually shorter than the available text in the node.
Please let me know what Infragistics 2009 vol2 Version exactly you have used in your previous application in order to be able to verify the same behavior at my end.
If you have any other questions please feel free to let me know.