I'm trying to change the text of the scrollbar context menu using the ResourceCustomizer. I need the text to be in French. Here is the code I wrote:
Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer rc; rc = Infragistics.Win.Resources.Customizer; rc.SetCustomizedString("ScrollContextMenuScrollHere", "Défilement ici");
I know for a fact that this works on other Infragistics control, but it does not seem to work on the scrollbar. The scrollbar appears on a UltraPanel whit the AutoScroll set to True.
I'm using Infragistics WinForm v2010.2
Thank you Mike.
I had forgotten about the WinMisc assembly.
It looks like you have the wrong resource customizer and the wrong string there. There is a "Scroll Here" which is defined in Win, but it must be used for some other scrollbar or something - probably UltraScrollBar.
The UltraPanel is defined in the Infragistics.Win.Misc assembly and it uses a different set of resource strings. In fact, it looks like the UltraPanel has separate strings for the Horizontal and Vertical scrollbars.
Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer rc = Infragistics.Win.Misc.Resources.Customizer; rc.SetCustomizedString("UltraPanel_ContextMenuItem_V_ScrollHere", "Défilement ici");
Here's a link to the resource strings in each assembly, just in case you need it.
Assembly Resource Strings