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Databinding with UltraCalendarInfo not working properly

Hi everyone,

I recently downloaded NetAdvantage 2011.1. I'm trying to bind a SQL Server Table to a Ultracalendarinfo control, that then is associated to a WinGanttViewControl.

This is the structure of the DB Table:

 [ID] [varchar](6) NOT NULL,
 [IDX] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
 [DESCRIPTION] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
 [STARTDATE] [datetime] NOT NULL,
 [FINISHDATE] [datetime] NULL,
 [SERIAL] [varbinary](1024) NULL)


Users can select many projects at a time, so I use a bindingsource called BS1 to load projects data. When application starts, a dataset with empty tables is created and it's set as datasource for the bindingsource. The dataset is compiled once the user select one or more projects to load.

This bindingsource is used as the datasource for the UltraCalendarInfo control.


So, once the bindingsource is defined I set up the databinding as follow :

            With UltraCalendarInfo1.DataBindingsForProjects
               .SetDataBinding(bs1, "")
               .BindingContextControl = Me

               .IdMember = "IDX"
               .KeyMember = "ID"
               .NameMember = "DESCRIPTION"

               .StartDateMember = "STARTDATE"
               .AllPropertiesMember = "SERIAL"
            End With


But there's something wrong with it: if I catch the event UltraCalendarInfo.ProjectDataInitialized and look at the property Project of the event e, it's not the Project I loaded, but just a new one with default values. But if I look at the property BindingListObject of the event e, I find the correct row of the loaded project. It seems that there's something that break up on the databinding process...

Private Sub UltraCalendarInfo1_ProjectDataInitialized(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.ProjectDataInitializedEventArgs) Handles UltraCalendarInfo1.ProjectDataInitialized

'---Here Project.Key has not the correct value but a new GUID value: I set up properties from the BindingListObject

      e.Project.Key = e.Project.BindingListObject("ID")
      e.Project.Name = e.Project.BindingListObject("DESCRIPTION")
      e.Project.StartDate = e.Project.BindingListObject("STARTDATE")

   End Sub

Can anyone help me?


Thanks so much.
