I have a Textbox with a DropDownEditorButton that is related to a ultraTree.
I need to make the ultraTree appear once it receives the focus, as if I had clicked on DropDownEditorButton
In the event ENTER of the textbox I get the error: 'The associated editor must be in edit mode to be dropped down.
and In the event GOT FOCUS of the textbox nothing happens.
In the event AFTER ENTER EDIT MODE A UltraTree appears and receives focus, but when I press tab again he would generate an error pointing to the ddeb.DropDown ()
You can call the DropDown method on the DropDownEditorButton to drop it down programmatically.
DropDownEditorButton ddeb = (DropDownEditorButton)this.ultraTextEditor1.ButtonsRight[0];ddeb.DropDown();