Hi all!
I have a little problem using the doubleClick with an UltraListView. I would like to take an item from the list by double-clicking to bring the text from the item to an UltraLabel.
The problem is that if a make repeated clicks on the scroll bar from the control it takes as if it was a double-click in the control and takes the last selected item from the list.
I have tried to solve this problem using the location property what it was not successful, anybody can guess which could be the solution to this trouble?
Thanks in advance!
The question is how does a click event handler say for the ultralistview control distinguish whether the click can from clicking on the scrollbar or the click came from clicking on an item in the control?
This is a serious bug on infragistic control. Why is a control's click and double click event method getting called when clicking on a control scroll bar.
I have exactly done what you say, I use the ItemFromPoint method giving to it the position of the mouse (no matter if giving each coordenate by separate or directly the point) but it always return a null value even when I do a double click in an item.
You can handle MouseDoubleClick and use the ItemFromPoint method to find the item at the cursor position. Note that the method will return null if there is no item at the cursor position.