Can someone send me a small example with 3 parents levels that has 3 child to each parent. First time using a treeview. I want to build the tree dynamically in code. This is would be helpful.
parent A
child A.1
child A.2
child. A.3
parent B
child B.1
child B.2
child. B.3
child C.1
child C.2
child. C.3
So you are asking how to add columns and child nodes to the tree in code? I'm not sure how I was supposed to gather all that from the word "record", but if that's what you want, I posted some sample code for this just recently:
UltraTree - Infragistics Community
I am looking to put a multi-column entry in a node, and im looking to display like a grid per node if that makes any sense. I want to build this in code. It works if I set the datasource from the designer. But the level of indent or childs I have to build would be better if I build the tree in code.
Review File Attachment. Can you send me a small example to help me this in code, I am going to have multiple levels of childs bands or bands
I will send you a print screen of assign ultra tree datasource to show you a record, I am not for sure of the term. To me its a record. give me one second.brb.
Hi Keith,
KeithDudley said:Next question, how to add a record to a UltraTree
I'm afraid you lost me. I do not understand what you are asking. What do you mean by "record?" Are you making some distinction between a "record" and a node? You seem to have already figured out how to add nodes to the tree. And I don't have any idea what you mean by "record". The tree doesn't have any ability to contain anything other than nodes.
Ok I have the parent node working. I have to close down visual studio and open it back up, and every thing started working. Which was really weird.
Next question, how to add a record to a UltraTree