I try to use a WinTree to Edit some Data too.
What's to do, to make a Column editable? At the Moment I'm writing a Code like this:
private void ultraTreeDeliveryItems_ColumnSetGenerated(object sender, ColumnSetGeneratedEventArgs e) { switch (e.ColumnSet.Key) { ............
case "ChildLocationList":
e.ColumnSet.Columns["Quantity"].AllowCellEdit = AllowCellEdit.Full;
break; } }
Now i have an "Edit-MousePointer" instead of a "ArrowMousePointer", but it's not possible to edit the cell.
What can i Do to edit the cell?
Greatings: Rudy
Hi Rudy,
I think you also need to set the CellClickAction:
this.ultraTree1.Override.CellClickAction = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.CellClickAction.EditCell;