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Key already exists error in UltraWinTree


I need to represent the following hierarchy in a tree control:





    |      |

    |      +-- A

    |      |

    |      +-- B




           +-- A


           +-- C

Here is my code, which gives me the dup key error on adding the 10001-02->A node:


            UltraTreeNode node = null, childNode = null;

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)


                curAccount = (string)row["AccountCode"];

                curSubAccount = (string)row["SubAccountCode"];

                curFund = (string)row["FundShortName"];


                int accountId = (int)row["AccountId"];

                int subAccountId = (int)row["SubAccountId"];

                int fundId = (int)row["FundId"];


                if (curAccount != prevAccount)


                    Trace.WriteLine("Added node " + curAccount);

                    node = tvInvestor.Nodes.Add(curAccount);




                    node = tvInvestor.Nodes[curAccount];



                if (curSubAccount != prevSubAccount)


                    Trace.WriteLine("Added child node " + curSubAccount);

                    childNode = node.Nodes.Add(curSubAccount);

                    Trace.WriteLine("Child node children count = " + childNode.Nodes.Count);



                    childNode = node.Nodes[curSubAccount];


                Trace.WriteLine("Adding grandchild node " + curFund);

                childNode.Nodes.Add(curFund); -- > Error on this line


                prevAccount = (string)row["AccountCode"];

                prevSubAccount = (string)row["SubAccountCode"];



What am I doing wrong?