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Collapsing the Ribbon Group in case of overflow

I have a ribbon in my application, now the items in the ribbon area has increased and because all of them shows images the total width of all the tool items has increased the Ribbon Tool. Because of this, some of the tool items in some groups became small in size (I think to fit into the available area). I want them to keep their original size and want an overflow indicator in the group so that when that overflow indicator is clicked, it shows those other items. I am not being able to do it, and needs your help.

  • 71886
    Offline posted

    Hello mayank_goyal,

    If I understood your requirements right, the behavior you are trying to achieve is possible with the toolbars when the ribbon is hidden. When the ribbon is shown, the groups have two states of showing the tools inside them - all the tools could be visible or all the tools could be fitted in a GroupButton(if there is not enough space for the group to show all the tools, it collapses). The second behavior could be achieved by setting:

    ultraToolbarsManager.Ribbon.GroupSettings.CanCollapse = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;

    For an illustrative example of the above said, you could check out the two samples called "WinToolbars Basic Features with the new Scenic Ribbon Style" and "IG Paint with Ribbon in new Scenic Ribbon Style".

    These samples could be located in our 'Windows Forms Feature Browser'. If you have this installed(if you have marked 'Samples' when installing Net Advantage), you could run it from 'Start Menu' -> 'All Programs' -> 'Infragistics' -> 'Windows Forms' -> 'Samples' -> 'Samples (local)'. These samples are under the 'Commands and Editors' tab. Another easy method to find them is by typing their names in the 'Search:' field.

    Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.

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