I set the text allignment to left. However I am getting a weird gap between the left board and where the first digit is displaying. How do I remove that gap so the text is left align.
Did you ever getan answer to this question? I have the very same problem, the suggested setting does not cahnge anything, what sould I do? Please, some answer that works!
What's the problem? Can you post a screen shot?
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I do not know what's happened here my response has disappeared. I'll take it shortly. It does not matter if you have any mask character or not, you get "a bunch" of characters before the digit anyway. If you have maska character, you get that, if you don't you get spaces. In the attached sample I have a truly untouched UltraNumericEditor on a form. I just tok it from the toolbox and placed on the form. In the Form_Load-event I set the vertical alignement, exactly in the way you suggested. Run it and you will see.
Best regards
I ran your sample and I don't see anything unusual or incorrect about the display. I have posted a screen shot (below) of what it looks like initially (with all of the text selected) and then what it looks like once I click on it so de-select the text. The mask prompt characters are aligned to the left, just as you specified.
Are you seeing something different?
Hi Mike,
We apparently have different conceptions of what is usual or correct. Those characters to the left of the insertion point is really unusual, even incorrect for me. I do not understand what they could have for aim or usefullnes there. You probably know Microsoft's equivalent control and it behaves in a way that I see as usual. No characters to the left of the insertion point there. However I now understand that Infragistics UltraNumericEditor works in that way of an incomprehensible reason, nothing to do about it. Nothing to make use of either.
Thanks for your answers and that you have made me realize this.
Those characters are the mask placeholders. The whole point of the masked editor is that there a fixed number of placeholders where the user can enter a specific limited set of characters.
If your users need to enter variable-length values, you are probably better off using UltraTextEditor and then using the UltraValidator component to validate what they enter.
I think as KissPista, on this error, I my opinion if the left appearance is set the number should be next to the border, and to conserve the mask maybe the promtpChar should be right to the number, not left to it...
As example:
Right alignmet: "_________4"
Left alignmet: "4_________"