Hello. I'm new with UltraDockManager. I'm trying to add some forms as dockable windows. My main form already has an UltraTabbedMdiManager. By now I've only done this:
I want to know what do I have to do to make the form start unpined (with auto-hide). Also I'm already having some trouble: The load event of the form is not firing. I don't know if it may be related but another instance of the same form is also a tab in the UltraTabbedMdiManager.
I was also able to resolve the form_load point. I'd to change the same code (the one in the second point) to this:
frmChild form = new frmChild(true);
form.MdiParent = this;
DockAreaPane areaPane = ultraDockManager1.DockControls(new Control[] { form }, DockedLocation.DockedLeft, ChildPaneStyle.TabGroup);
I found how to start the dockable window unpinned. In the line of point 2 I have to add .Unpin() like this:
ultraDockManager1.DockControls(new Control[] { new frmChild(true) }, DockedLocation.DockedLeft, ChildPaneStyle.TabGroup).Unpin();
But I'm still having troubles with the load event. Anyone?