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Unable to convert from '(null)' to 'System.Decimal'

I have a grid bound to an ArrayList.  My arraylist is a list of business objects with various properties of types integer, decimal and string (never any nulls).  During the grid initializelayout, i am adding two custom columns with data types boolean and decimal.

when i add an object to my arraylist and try to set the value of one of the custom columns, i get a 'Data Error', 'Unable to convert from '(null)' to 'System.Decimal''.

How i'm adding the custom fields during initializelayout:

        If b.Columns.Exists("selected") = False Then
            c = b.Columns.Add("selected")
            c.DataType = GetType(Boolean)
            c.DefaultCellValue = True
            c.Nullable = Nullable.Disallow
        End If

        If b.Columns.Exists("listamount") = False Then
            c = b.Columns.Add("listamount")
            c.DataType = GetType(Decimal)
            c.DefaultCellValue = 0
            c.NullText = "0"
            c.Nullable = Nullable.Disallow
        End If


How I'm adding a new object to my arraylist:

    Private Sub AddOptionToSelected(ByVal optionid As Integer)
        Dim oi As New DealOptionItem
        Dim i As Integer = Me.LIST.Add(oi)
        Dim row As UltraGridRow = Me.grdOptions.Rows.GetRowWithListIndex(i)
        row.Cells("selected").Value = True ' <---- this line shows the data error
        row.Cells("listamount").Value = oi.SALEAMOUNT
    End Sub