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ButtonTool Sizing on Ribbon

I am trying to duplicate the Clipboard group within Word 2007's ribbon menu in my application.  It will have a large paste ButtonTool and small ButtonTool for cut and copy.  The entire ribbon (tabs, groups and tools) will be built programatically rather than with the designer.  I am having trouble getting the paste button to show up larger.  Listed below are the properties that I have set to try and accomplish this:

pasteButtonTool.InstanceProps.PreferredSizeOnRibbon = INFRATOOLBAR.RibbonToolSize.Large;
pasteButtonTool.SharedProps.AppearancesLarge.Appearance.Image = Paste32x32;
pasteButtonTool.SharedProps.Caption = "Paste";

I have examined the way it is accomplished when using the designer (in the code spit), and for some reason it creates 2 instances of a ButtonTool.  Is that the only way to get that to work?  There should be a way to make this happen without 2 ButtonTool objects.

