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Row and show Expansion indicator


I use wingrid in binding with dataset with many relation: the grid is multiband.

When I add datarows on dataset table, the grid show new row.

 When I add datarow on dataset the grid don't have focus, it is hide because it is in another tab into a wintabcontrol.

 When I add a row and then some child row on dataset, and then I activate the wingrid tab, the grid show the new row but this row don't have expansion indicator, I do double click on row selector anche child row are showed with the expansion indicator on row.

I try to use  this code on InitializeRow event but this not work:


e.Row.ExpansionIndicator = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ShowExpansionIndicator.CheckOnExpand;

InitializeRow are called when i change tab.

How to set by code the behavior of expansion indicator and expansion for new row?


thanks, andrea

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     Hi Andrea,

        Is the grid visible at some point and then made invisible by changing the active tab? Or is the grid on an inactive tab from the beginning and never displayed until after you update the data?

        The reason I ask is that the DotNet BindingManager sometimes doesn't send notifications to controls that have not yet been created and controls on an inactive tab don't get created until the first time you switch to that tab. 

        If that's the case, you might be able to get around this by calling grid.Rows.Refresh(ReloadData). Or you might have to force the creation of the grid and it's parent control by calling CreateControl. You would probably have to do this on the TabPage and the grid, at least, and possibly other controls in the chain.

        Or, I could be wrong and this might be a grid bug. If you can duplicate this in a small sample project, you should  Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support so they can check it out.  

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