There is a way to open an excel 2010 file to read their cells with Infragistics2.Excel.v10.3 version or can not?If you can not, which is how to do it?.Thank you,deyvi
Thanks, I solved my problem, I am using this code IPackageFactory and solve my problem and using Infragistics2.Excel.v10.3 and supporting Excel files 97-2003, 2007 and 2010:
packageFactoryExcel As PackageFactory = New PackageFactory()Private objExcel As Infragistics.Excel.WorkbookInfragistics.Excel.Workbook.Load objExcel = ("C: \ data.xlsx" packageFactoryExcel, False), turn off the Flat of VerifyExcel2007XmlGreetings and Thanks
You can, but it requires a custom implementation of the IPackageFactory to be created along with supporting interfaces, which is a very big undertaking. Instead, if you use the Infragistics3.Excel.v10.3 (the CLR3.0 version), we use an internal implementation of this interface so you don't need to do anything. You just need to call the static Workbook.Load method, passing in the path or stream of the xlsx file.