The project file looks valid and seems to work fine under visual studio but I get this error trying to upgrade using the version utility:
12:57:38: Running User Interface Version 11.2.20112.1000
12:57:38: Gathering volume and assembly information.
12:57:55: Analyzing Tracker.NET.csproj...
12:57:55: The project has references that need to be updated.
12:57:56: Could not load the project. Please see the Log file for more details.
12:57:56: Root element is missing.
12:57:56: at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(TextReader txtReader)
at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.DataSourceFile..ctor(String path, FileBase owner)
at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.AdditionalFiles.AddFile(String fileName, Boolean includeCodeBehindFiles, Boolean isWindowsPhone, List`1 listOfAssemblies)
at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.ProjectFile.CheckProjectForAdditionalFiles(Boolean isSLProject, Boolean isWP7, XmlNode node)
at Infragistics.VersionUtilitySupport.Core.File.Types.ProjectFile.Analyze()
I'm not sure where to find the log file.
I am using CLR4.0
I can attach the project file if that would be helpful.
For some reason VU couldn’t load your project, so could you please attached completed log file in order to see what could cause this issue. Also could you please let us know to which exactly CLR you are trying to upgrade forr CLR2.0 or for CLR4.0.
I am waiting for your details.