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Problem with the UltraWinGrid when it respond to the ENTER

I am using UltraGrid for a data entry form as most of the KeyPunching guys demands that enter key must act like TAB key. I tried to achieve it with the help of following article. But still enter key is getting the cursor next column of the next row instead of next column of the same row, 2ndly at last column it must go to the next row, either to enter new record or on existing record for editing. I hope you got my point.

Thanks for all previous supports.

Regards AHK

Knowledge Base Article: KB02028

HOWTO:How can I make the UltraWinGrid respond to the ENTER key the same way it does to the TAB key?


  • 469350
    Offline posted

     All of this behavior is controlled by the KeyActionMappings of the grid. I really can't say exactly what you need to do to get the behavior you want. But what I would recommend is looping through the existing KeyActionMappings collection of the grid and displaying them. Look for mappings for the Tab key and see what they are doing. Also, make sure there are no mappings for the Enter key already in the list that you may not want. There are different mappings for moving to the next cell - for example, there's NextCell and NextCellByTab and they have different behavior. One might wrap to the next row while the other does not, so you wil need to check the documentation or experiment with these to see what they do. 

    Also, I'm pretty sure that the SamplesExplorer for the grid has a sample of KeyActionMappings that lists the existing ones and allows you to perform an action, so you can experiment and see what they do.  

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