I have a small question regarding a performance difference between using the export function and the async export function on the UltraGridExcelExporter (version 11.2.20112.1010).I noticed that when using the export function its up to 3 times faster than using the async export.
A simple example that exports 54539 rows is included, as you will see:- export takes up to 94852 milliseconds- async export takes up to 325792 milliseconds
I noticed the cpu only takes up to a third of its total "power" when using async export; which explains the difference in timings.But my question is: why does the async export only uses a third of the cpu resources available?
We would like to use async export but if it's that much slower we are "forced" to use the normal export functionalities.
Thanks for your advice.
Hi Mike,
i expected that the export method only uses all the data values that the grid shows at runtime (all columns that are header.hidden = false).
I have used two ValueList and no ultragrid formulas within it's cells, but the databinded object(List) behind the datasource has some big list properties and readonly properties (which are calculating the property return values based on mathematical functions).
Andy Nikolov
Hi Andy,
Out of curiosity, which one caused the bulk of the time?
Do you have a lot of formulas in your grid?
How many different ValueLists are you using?
Hello Mike,
i just wanted to let you know that i have solved the problem on my own.
The reason for the bad excel export perfomance is, that lists and have been exportet.
I have just changed the following properties from ultraGridExcelExporter class:
In my case these two properties have been responsible for the bad excel export perfomance up to 34 minutes (101150 rows á 60 columns).
Now the export takes about 7-8 minutes async!
Thanks for your help & have a nice day.
A code snippet is not sufficient for us to investigate the issue. There are too many unknowns, such as the contents of the grid, the data types, the appearances, and a whole host of other grid properties and settings that could affect performance. Can you post a working sample project?
here's the code:
Try _ultraWorkBook = New Workbook(pWorkbookFormat) If pFileName = String.Empty Then _ultraWorkBook.Worksheets.Add("Tabelle1") Else Dim worksheetName As String = pFileName.Substring(0, Math.Min(pFileName.Length, 31)) _ultraWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(worksheetName) End If Dim oldVisible As New ArrayList Dim counter As Integer = 0 For Each col As UltraGridColumn In Me.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns If Not col.IsChaptered Then Dim colInfo As New clsColInfo(clsPropertyInfo.IsDesignMode(Me), Me.Username, Me.Name, FindForm().Name, _ col.Header.Caption, col.Key) oldVisible.Add(col.Hidden) col.Hidden = Not colInfo.ColExcelExport End If Next For Each col As UltraGridColumn In Me.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns If Not col.IsChaptered Then col.Hidden = oldVisible.Item(counter) counter += 1 End If Next RemoveHandler ultraExcelExporter.ExportEnded, AddressOf ExportFinished AddHandler ultraExcelExporter.ExportEnded, AddressOf ExportFinished deactivatedControls = New List(Of String)() ' ultraExcelExporter. SetControlsActive(False, ParentForm.Controls)
ultraExcelExporter.ExportAsync(Me, _ultraWorkBook)
Async Export is up to 3 times slower than regular Export()
In various aggregation level the grid has round-about 100.000 rows and 50 columns.
It needs up to 12 minutes to export non-async and 34 minutes async.
For both modes -only- 1 CPU kernel is working:
async: 4% usage rate
sync: 14% usage rate
I think the export AND exportAsync method could use more of cpu power.
Thanks for you answer,