The bound Column Name was "Name" instead of "DisplayName"... :(
Hello everybody and happy new year.
Today I came across some surprising and unexpected behavior with my UltraDropDown, with is used in an unbound Column inside an UltraGrid.
I was going to bind the List of CultureInfos to the UltraDropDown so I set the UltraDropDown's DisplayMember to "DisplayName" and the ValueMember is set to "LCID", which are both properties of CultureInfo.
I then bind the list to the UltraDropDown in code like this:
this.ultraDropDownWorldLanguage.SetDataBinding(new List<CultureInfo>(CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.SpecificCultures)), null, true);
the grids layout initiation looks like this:
e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns[@"CultureInfo"].Style = ColumnStyle.DropDownList;
e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns[@"CultureInfo"].ValueList = this.ultraDropDownWorldLanguage;
Nothing unusal so far, it all works.
But if I run the program and watch the ~200 Items in the List, not the DisplayMember is displayed, but the string representation is. Futhermore the DisplayMember is shown after selecting any item. huh?
I had no issues with this kind of binding so far, I use it quite often in almost identical situations.
Any hints?
Hello Blue,
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