I am trying to use the export function of the ultragrid.
Exporting to PDF works fine, however, when I export the ultragrid to an excel sheet the characters are distorted.I am not using English characters (enlgish characters appear fine).
Also the dates appear as numbers (I have to format the excel cells in order to appear correctly).
Any suggestions?
Hi Nicolas,
The dates appearing as numbers is a known bug that is fixed. You should get the latest Hot Fix and the problem should be corrected.
Regarding the characters, what font are you using? Perhaps Excel can't support the font you have chosen?
The characters are in Greek language but I don't think it is a font problem as I am using the same font when displaying English characters (and the English characters are exported fine). I believe is Times New Roman.
I'm not sure, then. Are you using the latest Hot Fix?
If that doesn't help, maybe you can create a small sample project demonstrating the issue and Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support.
The date did fix with the latest hotfix. I am now using Infragistics 8.2.
I have another problem now. I am using the following to set the culture and uiculture of my application.
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = selectedLanguage;Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = selectedLanguage;
If the CurrentCulture is set to anything except Enlgish, the PDF export is not working if the grid contains non-English characters. If the grid has english characters then it exports correctly.The excel export works but is missing the greek letter "μ"
With the PDF export, I'm pretty sure that non-English characters will only show up if you use a font that can properly display them; generally, this means that you need to use a Unicode font, such as Arial Unicode MS.
private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e){ if(e.Layout.IsExportLayout) e.Layout.Appearance.FontData.Name = "Arial Unicode MS";}
I'm not aware of what could be causing an issue with the Excel exporter, but you may want to submit this issue to Developer Support.
Thanks for the reply but that didn't work.
Actually I made a mistake in my previous post. The excel export works perfectly with either the English or Greek culture. The letter "μ" does not appear when I have English culture and I export to PDF.
Also, when exporting to Excel, the exported font is Sequoe UI. (The font is not set anywhere else in my application so it should have been the default. I think MS Sans Serif)