Sir i have a dataset which is bind to ultratree..i do not want to show the root node so i have hidden it and made the root node after i hide it..i see some white space in top left there any possibility by which i can reposition my child nodes in place of root node so that it looks better???
what i mean is it shud look like there was no root node and its first child node is in top left position!!
I hope i am clear
Ishant Kathuria
Hi, Mike! I have a similar question about hiding and repositioning nodes in an UltraTree.
How these filters can be used to hide a node and reposition child nodes of this node?
Hi Ishant,
When you say you are hiding the node, I assume you must be using a DrawFilter or a CreationFilter. Is that right?
You cannot be using the Hidden property because that would hide the child nodes, as well.
If that is correct, then there is no way to reclaim the space where the root node would have been. You could minimize it by setting the Height of that node to something like 1, but there will always be a space.
If you don't want the root node, then a better solution would be to bind directly to the child data..