I have an application with a grid with several info and i want the users can hide or order the columns and save the appearance of the grid.
I'm using the save method of the displaylayout to achieve this but the saved file size is about 100 MB ( several times it dont save the file and throws an OutOfMemoryException).
I dont knok if i'm using correctly this method or if its somethig i'm missing (¿Is there any PropertyCategories that save the order, hide state and group by state of the columns?
I'm using the 8.2 version of infagistics.
Thanks for your answer Mike!
I've finally achieved to upgrade the application to the Infragistics 12.1
The only thing i've noticed so far is a problem with some controls such ultratexteditors and ultradatetimeeditors. In design time i create a ultratexteditor and its heigth property is ser to 21 bydefault but when i execute the application it is shown with heith 24. When i executed the application "step by step" i saw that after the line "this.txtCodigo.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(197, 21);" is executed, the value of this.txtCodigo.Size is (197,24) however When i change the property AutoSize to false it change right the property size.
Your data source is probably infinitely recursive.
Take a look at the WinGrid Performance Guide. In particular, Section 4 on "Recursion". Note that you have to click the (More) button to see the entire text in the next forums.
I've made a simple solution to find out what is causing this problems i have with the upgrade. ¿Is there any known problem with N to M relations?
I've made this solution with two tables and a N:M relation between them (EAlmacen and EUsuario) and a simple form with a UltraCombo linked to a bindingsource than is linked with EAlmacen. When i set the datasource the application freezes and i can't do anything.
Hello Boris,
I'm trying to upgrade the application again and i think i may have found the problem (or at least one of them)
First of all i've upgraded the application from version 8.2 to version 10.3 with the upgrade utility without any error message.
After upgrading the application several forms get freezed when i try to open them on design.
I think the problem should be with the displaylayout of the UltraGrids. This grids have a bindingSource as DataSource and this datasource is linked to a Entity (We're using Entity Framework)
When i've deleted the code that asigns the datasource of the bindings the forms is shown correctly.
This is the code i've deleted : this.eCuposActivosBindingSource.DataSource = typeof(SGA.ECupo);
After deleting this code the displaylayout of the grid is also deleted (it no longer shows the properties of the Entiity "ECupo" as columns, etc) so i wondered if this might be the problem.
Could you please try to attach your project for me and I will be happy to investigate this issue for you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional assistance.