I need a way to give every ulltralistviewitem in ULTRALISTVIEW control an UIElement. Even to the ultralistviewitems the are not displayed in the view but have to be scrolled to be seen. Is there a setting the can do this?
I am using the code from the WinListView DragDrop CS demo for draging selected items from anULTRALISTVIEW control. The problem with that demo code is only the selected items that are in view are shown being dragged. The selected items that are not in view(items selected one has to scroll to see) are not being shown in the drag..
Do you have a fix so all the selected items in a ULTRALISTVIEW control can be seen in the dragging instead of only the selected items that are in view?
It seems that this questions is the same as this in the following forum thread :
And I already answered to this question.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.