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Stop child property from firing until "+" clicked

I have a 2 Custom objects called BLPerson and BLProject. BLPerson contains a child property called Projects which is a collection of BLProject. Property Projects goes to the database and gets all the projects that person owns.

When I create an instance of BLPerson the Projects property does not fire until it is referenced however if if i point the BLPerson instance to a grid whose DisplayLayout.LoadStyle=LoadOnDemand then the Projects property fires immediatley i.e before the User clicks on the "+" sign to show the Projects child band.

Is there a way to only have the child properties of my object fire when the User clicks on the "+" sign to open them ? Some of the objects contain several children so it is quite an overhead to get the data if its not required.

Thanks john

  • 830

    After seeing another append on this subject and doing some tests,
    it appears that this is only hapenning for the 1st row i.e my object
    is getting data for itself and all its children but only for row 1.

    This is now not such an issue but if there is an easy way to stop it
    then it would be good

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