In my code I use (v11.2)
worksheet.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(columnIndex).CellFormat.FormatString = "# ##0,00"
But when open the resulting file in Excel the cell is not formatted properly and when I look at the cell properties in Excel in the Format Cells dialog I see the following : "#\ ## 000"
What should I use as the format string to get the correct "# ##0,00" also in Excel?
I should also mention that it is also necessary to make sure that the Regional and Language settings on the machine where you are producing the Excel file are set to Finland or whatever country whose formats you want to use.
Are you sure that your keyboard is set to a Finnish (or European) keyboard when you type in that format string? I tried this myself and I was able to get the formatting the way you want it in the Excel file. However, I did not use the Worksheet. I handled the InitializeColumn event of the UltraGridExcelExporter and set the format string like so:
if (e.Column.Index == 1) { e.ExcelFormatStr = "### ### ##0.00"; }
But I found that the format string must be entered using a European keyboard, otherwise I did not get the decimal values.
So the numbers appear like this: 5 280,00
which I think is what you want.
This looks like it might be a bug. You should be able to use this format string. I have forwarded this post to the Developer Support Manager and a DS engineer will be contacting you about this issue.