I want to do this in code .cs file Can some help write a regex datetime validation. I have two datetime controls, I want to validate that the datetime is a valid date and if not throw and error. I also want to throw an error if the datetime is outside of the range MIN and MAX review below. the format I using as far as datatime goes, 'YYYYMMSS:hhmmss' or can I force the user to stop typing in the datetime control, At the moment I can type in the datetime picker, I only want the user to pick from the datetime picker
MIN date and Max Date
19670101 and 30000101
Jan 01, 1967 and Jan 01, 3000
i created chat
im on My Ig , dont see the chat, then also i tried the drop down i am able to still type
let me see
KeithDudley said:What does the dropdown do?
This method display the calendar portion of the control. By this way we could prevent to type directly in the control.
KeithDudley said:where i can chat with you
You could create a chat session with us if you are using : Infragistics.com -> MyIG
Let me know if you have any further questions
What does the dropdown do? is there a im chat
where i can chat with you