I am trying to use the 2011.2 version free Windows form dll files. I followed the directions at http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/WinForms/2011.2/CLR2.0/html/Introduction_Using_Version_Free_Assemblies.html (although there is no C:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2011.2\Windows Forms\Bin directory in 11.2 since the CLR2.0 and CLR4.0 subdirectories were added). When I tried to add the assemblies to the GAC (by dragging the files to c:\Windows\assembly and using GacUtil.exe), the files could not be added. As a result, when I tried to add a control to a form, it placed the control at the bottom of the form in the components section instead of adding it to the form. (http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/p/51009/269432.aspx)
Is there a reason why this is occurring? Is there another step I need to do to successfully register the assemblies in the GAC for the 11.2 assemblies?
As a side note, I was able to use and register the 10.2 version free dll files after I was unable to install the 11.2 files.
Hello Pabradley2000,
We are still following your case. Please feel free to let us know if you still need assistance with this matter.
Hello ,
Thank you for the providing video. You said that you already installed version free assembly for 10.2 , so you should remove them from the GAC and then to add there VERSION Free Assembly for 11.2 (that is why you couldn’t add version free assembly for 11.2)
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Here is a video of me trying to install the files into the GAC. As you will notice, the files are not installed and there are no error messages. I get the same result whether the 10.2 files are installed in the GAC or not installed. There are also no events in the Event Log pertaining to the failed installation.
It is seems very strange for me to hear “When I try to add the 11.2 assemblies, I do not get any error messages. They simply are not added in the GAC. I also did not see any error messages in the Event Viewer.”
So if there is no exceptions or messages, then version free assembly should be there, but maybe of some reason you can’t see them. So could you please double-check if the version free assembly of 11.2 are in the GAC, after you copy them there. Is it possible to capture a video of what happen when you trying to move version free assembly of Infragistics 11.2 to GAC.
I am waiting for your feedback.
Should probably also mention that I am using Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit edition.