I am new to Infragistic Controls and forgive my ignorance if I am wrong.
I am using the UltraGrid in my winform Application.
So Can Anyone tell me how to find the current(selected) Row Index of a ultragrid like e.RowIndex in normal Datagrid and also how to set the text of a button as Preview in ultragrid button column.
Thanks in advance,Please Help me
Warm Regards,
Hello Saroj,
Could you please review the sample attached to this post and see if it meets your requirements.Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
HI Boris,
Thanks for your quick response.
Below two screenshot is my requirement.here i'm using the ultragrid.
when i click the preview button of jobqueue form then i need to open that preview form ..please tell me in which event i have to write the code and how to get that row index.
again i have attached this screenshot.
I apologize for not uploading my sample to the first post. I am doing it now. Please review it and see if meets your requirements.
Hi Boris,
thanks for quick reply.i have gone through your sample and it helped me a lot.and can you send a sample app for checkbox column in ultragrid .so that user can select multiple row for delete.
thanks in advanced.
I hope that the sample I made for you will satisfy your needs. It is my pleasure to assist you for our 'WinGrid' control so please do not hesitate to ask if something comes up.
thank you very much for your support.
Could you please create a new forum thread for this enquiry, since we are trying to keep some sort of consistency in our community. We believe that if there are different threads for every different question, we will have a more efficient forum for our members.
Hello Boris,
Can you tell me how to delete multiple rows from a ultra grid.
but when user select multiple rows and press delete key at that time rows are only remove from grid but not delete from database.
when user click on save button at that time rows are need to delete from database.
plz help me with sample.
thanks in advance.
I was creating a sample and a video until I saw your post. I am glad to hear that you got it working. Please do not hesitate to ask if you need any additional assistance.
Thank you so much.it is working..
Hello boris,
Thanks a lot for your response.
her after creating tht toolbar am not getting the property 'contextmenu on...'plz guide me.
can you give me sample for this.
thanks in advance