I'm using Infragistics WinForms 2009.1 and I have problems to see any result on screen. I have a number of color in my palettes and I want to use the WinLayoutManager to arrange the color pallette. Here is my code:
Private Sub ShowPaletteColors(ByVal Palette As Palette) upnlPaletteColors.ClientArea.Controls.Clear() upnlPaletteColors.SuspendLayout() For Each PaletteColor As PaletteColor In Palette.Colors.Values Dim v As New Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraPictureBox With v .Appearance.BackColor = PaletteColor.Color .Tag = PaletteColor .Appearance.ForeColor = If(PaletteColor.Intensity > 127, Color.Black, Color.White) End With upnlPaletteColors.ClientArea.Controls.Add(v) Next upnlPaletteColors.ResumeLayout() End Sub
So, for every color in the palette I want to insert a new UltraPictureBox in the ClientArea of the UltraPanel upnlPaletteColors. The code runs fine, but I don't see any result on screen.
Hello Infragistics! Anybody there?
Since I am not sure what exactly you expect to happen I tried your code in a small isolated sample project and attached it to this post. Please take a look at it and let me know If I misunderstood you or if you think that something is not right with my sample, I will be happy to assist you further on that matter.
Thanks for the reply, but I solved my problem in the meantime. I'm not quite sure what it was, but I think that it must have had something to do with the SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout calls of the ClientAreas/Containers.