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How to detect click on the left-upper-corner over rowselectors?

I have a simple grid with rowselectors and  some columns and I have the left-upper-corner  over the rowselectors by setting .Override.RowSelectorHeaderStyle = RowSelectorHeaderStyle.SeparateElement

Now I would like to be able to detect mouseclick on this corner. I know how to detect click on the rowselectors, on the column headers or on cells in the grid.

I use the Grid.DisplayLayout.UIElement.ElementFromPoint method for getting an UIElement (oUI) and I test this object to be a CellUIElement or a HeaderUIElement or a RowSelectorUIElement, like this

oRowselectorUIElement = CType(oUI.GetAncestor(GetType(RowSelectorUIElement)), RowSelectorUIElement)

If Not oRowselectorUIElement Is Nothing Then

End If

How can I do that for the left-upper-corner? What is it for an element: a column header or a rowselector or something else? Does it have its own UIElement to test for like the cell, column header or rowselector?  I could not find it in the documentation for WinGrid.

More generally, which specific  UIElement s are there for the Grid? Is there a list of them somewhere?

Could anyone help me with this, please?