I'm sure that this is something simple that I'm missing. What I'm trying to do is to get the appearance data for an UltraFormattedTextEditor.What I did was the followingInfragistics.Win.AppearanceData appearanceData = new Infragistics.Win.AppearanceData();Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags renderFlags = Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags.BackColor |Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags.BackColorAlpha |Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor |Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags.BorderColor |Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags.BorderAlpha;newNewsItems.ResolveAppearance(ref appearanceData, ref renderFlags);What I get back is that only the ForeColor appearance is resolved.If I then set these appearance properties as innewNewsItems.Appearance.BackColorAlpha = Infragistics.Win.Alpha.Transparent;newNewsItems.Appearance.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;newNewsItems.Appearance.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;newNewsItems.Appearance.BorderAlpha = Infragistics.Win.Alpha.Transparent;then I do get the resolved appearance for the control. What I was expecting (trying to do) was to get the appearance data for the control based on the applied style.I've also tried the followingappearance = new Infragistics.Win.AppearanceData();Infragistics.Win.AppStyling.UIRole uirole = role.GetRole("UltraFormattedTextEditor");Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags renderFlags = Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags.AllRender;uirole.ResolveAppearance(ref appearance, ref renderFlags, Infragistics.Win.AppStyling.RoleState.Normal);So is there some other role or "thing" in the formatted text editor that I need to be looking at to get the right appearance data?
In the above code (using the uirole, I also tried looking at the "FormattedTextUIElement" and the "TextSelectionUIElement" that seemed to be in the hierarchy for the editor.
Hi Neil,
I would think the ResolveAppearance method on the control would give you the resolved appearance. If that's not working, I recommend that you Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support