I am using UltraComboEditor in a WinGrid. I create the UltraComboEditor in the grid_InitializeRow method. The data is added as a semicolon-separated string. This works fine.
When I check an item in one comboBox of the row, I want to deselect the same item in all other comboboxes of the same row.
I handle this in the combo_ValueChanged event handler, and I tried to handle it also in the grd_CellChange event handler.
I search the other combo boxes by the following cast:
UltraComboEditor cmbSel = grdBalFad.Rows[0].Cells[ind].EditorComponent as UltraComboEditor;
Now I want to uncheck items by calling cmbSel.SetCheckState (items, System.Windows.Forms.CheckState.Unchecked);
The items parameter is a collection of items to uncheck ValueListItems from the cmbSel.Items collection.
I also tried to by changing the CheckState of the ValueListItem in the grd.Items collection.
Nothing changes in the checkstate of the combobox.
I noticed also that the cmbSel.SelectedItems collection is always empty.
Any idea how to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance and kind regards,
Hello Luc,
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
I might have forgotten something, but let us not go for the details - I am attaching you my sample.
Please take a look and let me know if something is wrong.
Hi Boris,
Maybe I overlooked something, but I tried your suggestion and it is not working.
I have attached my modified sample.
Can you send me your working sample.
Thanks and kind regards,
I tried your sample with 'EditorValueSource' set to 'SelectedItem' and it seems to work fine for me. Next step: I changed the body of your condition like this:
if (combo.Items[ind].CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { otherCombo.Items[ind].CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked; }
Please try this approach and get back to me when possible.
Thanks for the quick response.
I have attached a small sample to demonstrate what I want to achieve.
I have a grid with one row with check comboBoxes in each cell. When a checkstate in one combobox is activated, I want to uncheck the same item in all other comboBoxes. By this way an item can be checked only once in a row.
This will be handled in the CellChange event handler of the grid.
To make it clear, I have added comments in the code.
If you need more info, plees feel free to contact me.