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Error looping through excel rows

I am using Infragistics4.Documents.Excel.v11.2 to create an excel spreadsheet.  I am able to load all of the data correctly.  I then go to format the sheet and set the font.  Using this code:


'Sheet is already populated

Dim sheet As Worksheet

For Each row as WorksheetRow in sheet.Rows

    For Each cell as WorksheetCell in row.Cells

        cell.CellFormat.Font.Name = "Trebuchet MS"




As I'm processing the second row, the cell Next statement throws the exception:

Collection was modified after the enumerator was instantiated.


Stack Trace:

   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)

   at System.Collections.Generic.SortedList`2.Enumerator.MoveNext()

   at Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetRow.<GetCellsWithData>d__a.MoveNext()

   at Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetCellCollection.<GetEnumeratorHelper>d__0.MoveNext()

   at ConsoleApplication1.Module1.Main()


Any ideas what is causing this error to be thrown?



  • 53790


    I try to reproduce your issue in a small sample, but without success. Could you please take a look at the attached sample and video file and please feel free to modify this sample to reproduce your issue and revert it back to me. I`ll be glad to research your issue.  Also please tell me do you have any installed service release and which one.

    Let me know if you have any questions.
