Hi all,
my UltraComboEditor has a funny behaviour.
If I am selecting an item of the dropdown with the mouse, everything works fine. My bound textbox get's updated. But if I use AutoCompleteMode, which means that I fill in a letter via Keyboard, the right tem is shown and selected in the combo, but my data binding does not work correctly/update.
Is there a diffrence between selecting an item with the mouse or the keyboard?
it's me again.
I was able to isolate this behavior a bit better and it only appears with the AutoCompleteMode SuggestAppend.
With every other AutoCompleteMode there is the expected behavior...
Where is the difference??? Any events that are not fired then?
Here is my little (not very reasonable) example. It's a simple winform with an ultraGrid and an UltraComboEditor on it.
public partial class Form1 : Form { BindingSource _persons = new BindingSource(); public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); BindingList persons = new BindingList { new Person("John", "Stuttgart"), new Person("Martha", "Berlin"), new Person("Daniel", "Hamburg") }; _persons.DataSource = persons; BindingList cities = new BindingList { new City("Stuttgart"), new City("Berlin"), new City("Hamburg"), new City("München"), new City("Bremen") }; cmb_city.DataSource = cities; grid_persons.DataSource = _persons; this.cmb_city.DataBindings.Add( "Text", _persons, "City" ); cmb_city.LimitToList = true; cmb_city.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; } }
I would appreciate any help,
Ok, I am sorry, but after coming to the conclusion that the AutoCompleteMode was the problem, I found another post with the same issue.
I changed my DataBinding to Value and everything works fine.
Hello again Finchen,
Thank you for sharing this with our community. I am glad to hear that you were able to solve this.
Please do not hesitate to ask if something comes up.