I would like to have ALL the style libraries that Infragistics provides have alternating rows on the UltraGrid.
I know that I can open each library up via AppStylist and make the edits myself. However, selecting the background color for each library is the challenge.
Would your designers please submit or present background colors for Alternating rows that match the library?
Second question, when the style libraries are updated by Infragistics, I'm assuming that I'll have to go back and make the background color edits to the libraries once again correct?
Thank you
Thanks for your response. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to write us
I'm sorry, I did not recieve notificatio of your prior response on the 18th. I'll check that now. But please consider this issue closed. I did modify the ISL files and that solution works.
Have you been able to resolve your issue ? Did you have a time to take a look at the attached sample.If you still have any concerns or questions I will be glad to help. If you need any additional assistance don’t hesitate to ask.
If I understand your scenario, you are using AppStyle in your application and also you would like to be able to change Alternate grid rows color (without using your current AppStyle).
If so please note that by default your AppStyle has priority over grid`s properties. It means that settings in your AppStyle will override your grid`s setting. Maybe one possible approach to achieve desired behavior could be if we are using AppStyle together with DrawFilter. I made small sample for you. Please take a look at th eattached sample and vidoe for more details and let me know if you have any quetions.
Thank you for the response. Is there a way to change the alternating color for ALL grids at runtime? I'm thinking of letting the end user make the change if they want to. I don't want to give them all the options of the built-in Application Stylist because it is a complicated system. However just the choice of alternating colors on the grid would be helpful.
What I see happening is the user can load any style library and there would be an an check box option and color pattern the user could chose. After the library is loaded then based on the end users selection we can then during runtime add alternating row with the color the end user selected.