I have a data in the cell with
Formatstrinf ="0.00"
While editing the cell , it is allwoing the value greater than 1(i.e maxvalue) like , if I entter a value 1.234
cell is taking the value even it is greater than 1
How to restrict the cell value not to accept more than max value
Hi Boris,
It's working good. Thank you so much .
I see now, this reminds me of an old thread in which I discussed this matter, please take a look:
Please let me know if this helps you.
Please have alook at the screen shot. I ran yoyr sample application an dit is allowiing me to enter the value 1.23
We set the maxValue to 1
how will the cell allow us to type more than maxvalue (like 1.23) . The cell should not accept the value if it is greater than maxvalue
In my sample you are not able to enter 1.234, you could verify that by running the sample. The cell could never validate because of the MaxValue restriction in this case. So I am not sure what is bothering you here. I will be happy to take a look at a sample where the cell is being validated fine with a value of 1.234 and MaxValue set to '1'.
The format is :1.000
maxvalue is :1 (I am using ultranumericeditor and set numerictype to decimal)
I should be able to enter a value like: 0.999
now if I edit the cell and enter 1 in the firat place then my cell value should look like 1:000
and should not allow the user to enter 1.234 (because max value is one)
Is this because of cell data type ?