Hi there
In relation to the UltraLabel control in v2010.3 what is the correct approach to applying a value to the Text property in a multilingual situation?
We are using .resx files in our .NET solution and assigning values in code to the UltraLabels Text property at runtime when the form/control is loaded.
Is there any other prescribed technique such as through the controls property pages at design time or using some special syntax on the Text property to cause it to be picked up from the resx file?
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need any further assistance on this matter?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hello ,
You could use Visual Studio's features for localization, which allows you to translate your controls in design time, and based on the current culture of the machine, your application will uses appropriate language translation. For more information please review the following link in MSDN about “Localizing Windows Forms”:
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