There is a project, we used Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree to create a node tree.
Now we will add a new feature about Find from Tree. Are there any methods about Find?
1) Find All using string filter.
2) Find Next - Up/Down using string filter.
Thanks Very Much!
Hi Boris,
Matthew's answer made my project's new feature more clear.
1) There is the AllowKeyboardSearch property in UltraWinTree which allows the end user to type keys and activate the node that matches the text input.
Yes. it does.
2) There is no any exposed find or search functionality for the WinTree.
So I have to write codes about Find All, Find Next (up/down) by myself. Fortunately, I have finished the Find All and Find next (down).
Thanks Very much!
Hello ScottQ,
I wanted to know if Matthew's answer helped you in resolving your issue. Please feel free to let me know if a question about our toolset comes up on your mind.
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for your reply.
Hi ScottQ,
I'm not aware of any exposed find or search functionality for the WinTree to the extent you suggest. There is the AllowKeyboardSearch property which allows the end user to type keys and activate the node that matches the text input but it sounds like you want pure API calls to do the find yourself based upon external criteria.
I entered a feature request into our system to add the capability to find nodes as you have described.