We'd like to put a control in the group header area - for example a textbox to specify an offset to apply to all values for every group.
We're wondering how feasible this is within the existing infrastructure of the UltraGrid control, and if you have any recommendations on how to achieve this.
Thank you.
Thanks Georgi - you have been brilliant, we very much appreciate your kind help and examples.
gsharm3 said: Also - note that we get the redraw bug when we expand/collapse group too. Can we deal with this in the same way as suggested above for mouse scrolling?
Also - note that we get the redraw bug when we expand/collapse group too. Can we deal with this in the same way as suggested above for mouse scrolling?
It is happen because we didn`t call our CreationFilter. I think that I solve this task. Please take a look at the sample.
gsharm3 said:Is there a way to determine if an UltraGridGroupByRow is a leaf-level group by row (i.e. has further no child group by rows). The IsGroupByRow and Description properties don't seem to help in this regard - we're wondering if there's anything else?
There are many approaches to solve this taks. In the sample I just exclude these rows on depend of the Value. Please take a look in the sample for details
gsharm3 said: Could you advise on the best way to modify your Creation fIlter to remove the TextEditors before it starts to draw it again?
Maybe one possible approach could be if you are using the code:
foreach (Control cnt in grid.Controls) { DependentTextUIElement UI = grid.DisplayLayout.UIElement.ElementFromPoint(cnt.Location) as DependentTextUIElement; if (cnt.GetType() == typeof(UltraTextEditor) && UI == null)// && !IsScrol) { grid.Controls.Remove(cnt); } }
foreach (Control cnt in grid.Controls)
DependentTextUIElement UI = grid.DisplayLayout.UIElement.ElementFromPoint(cnt.Location) as DependentTextUIElement;
if (cnt.GetType() == typeof(UltraTextEditor) && UI == null)// && !IsScrol)
Please take a look at the modifications in the sample for more details.
gsharm3 said:Can we can the textboxes to appear for every column (we noticed the coordinates are currently hardcoded with an 80 pixel offset for just 1 of the columns).
Yes. It is possible. Just replace the hardcoded offset with the Cell`s X location from Rect property