I have migrated my application I did with infragistic v8.3 vs 2008 and vs2010 with the version below v8.3,
Upgrading from here over there and raise me up compiles correctly but will not let me save the changes.
When I record I get the message repeated 3 times "error when generating the code for property 'Image'."
here I leave the picture to see if they find out what is wrong and if I can help.
Hello Carlos,
If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
thanks, =)
In this case I believe that the names of your images contained symbols like: comas(,), apostrophes(') or slashes (/,\). For more information please take a look at the following article from MSDN:http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/Vsexpressvb/thread/02be3d7e-cff5-47a7-a00a-1c5ebfcb47a7
If you have any other questions please feel free to let us know.