I have manually defined a schema which has the columns I want to appear. The datatable I'm sticking in the DataSource property has many more columns, but I do not want to display those columns. How do I prevent this from happening?
Thank you.
HOWTO:How can I define columns in the grid at Design-time and bind them at run-time so that some fields of the data are excluded from the grid?
Thank you for the link. I followed the directions and just for testing I defined one column in my UltraGrid (church_no), then got the datafrom the database (about 40 columns) and put it in a DataTable called dt. Here is the code I used to bind:
ugChurches.SetDataBinding(dt, null, true);
I still get all 40 columns once the screen loads?
I don't understand.
Nevermind, it's case sensitive as to the column name so in reality I was defining a column that didn't exist in the given schema.