1) How do you change the "Click to Add Event" message (aka I would like to change it to "Click to Add Shift")?
2) How would you remove the "Click to Add Event" action (aka would like calendar to behave like normal, without the option to click to add event)?
3) How do you change the tooltip when hovering over an appointment?
Hello dhaessel,
Could you please review the sample attached to this post and see if it meets your requirements. Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.
I get multiple tooltips now. How do I get rid of the default text?
The click message is resolved
Thanks, I have figured it out:
ToolTipActivity = None solves the extra Tooltip
ShowClickToAddActivity = False removes the click button
Mark as resolved
One more thing: How do you get the appointment from e.Element to display the Appointment information? I want to override the text when user sits on the appointment - see the jpg above, not so much I want to add a custom tooltip, I want to edit whatever gets displayed when sitting on an appointment.
Ignore that, mark as resolved.
(Appointment) e.Element.SelectableItem; solves issue...