this.ultraNavigationBar1.RootLocation.Text = @"C:\CMT\";
this.ultraNavigationBar1.RootLocation.Text = @"C:\CMT";
gives me this error:
An UltraNavigationBarLocation cannot contain the PathSeparator in any part of the text which is used to identify it when parsing a navigation path.
How do I specify a starting folder?
Hello Ross,
rookertrusted said: My issue is not in the navigation bar but in the tvwFolders UltraTree in the "Infragistics FileExplorer" sample. I have the navigation bar in this defaulting but since the UltaTree logic starts with Desktop and My Computer I need the code to change this to start with something like "C:\Downloads".
My issue is not in the navigation bar but in the tvwFolders UltraTree in the "Infragistics FileExplorer" sample. I have the navigation bar in this defaulting but since the UltaTree logic starts with Desktop and My Computer I need the code to change this to start with something like "C:\Downloads".
I`m not sure that I understand what is your issue. At the begining we are talking about UltraNavigationBar and how to set initial path. I do not understand what is your issue with UltraTree and what exactly doesn`t work in the "Infragistics FileExplorer" sample.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Is there an answer on my last post? Thanks
private void PopulateRoot()
// Add Desktop Node to the tree
UltraTreeNode desktopNode = this.tvwFolders.Nodes.Add("Desktop", "Desktop");
desktopNode.Override.NodeAppearance.Image =
desktopNode.Override.ExpandedNodeAppearance.Image =
// Set up the root location of the navigation bar as the Desktop location
UltraNavigationBarLocation desktopLocation = this.unbFolders.RootLocation;
desktopLocation.Key =
desktopLocation.Settings.Appearance.Image =
// Don't include the text of the Desktop location in the full path of it's children.
// This is so that children of the Desktop and My Computer locations have the correct path
// like Windows Explorer. For example, "C:\Program Files" is a complete path.
// It should not be "Desktop\My Computer\C:\Program Files"
desktopLocation.IncludeTextInFullPath =
// The tree will be the central driving force of this application, so give the location a
// reference to the corresponding node in the tree.
desktopLocation.Tag = desktopNode;
// Add the My Computer node to the tree
UltraTreeNode myComputerNode = desktopNode.Nodes.Add("MyComputer", "My Computer");
myComputerNode.Override.NodeAppearance.Image =
myComputerNode.Override.ExpandedNodeAppearance.Image =
// Add the My Computer location to the navigation bar.
UltraNavigationBarLocation myComputerLocation = desktopLocation.Locations.Add("MyComputer", "My Computer");
myComputerLocation.Settings.Appearance.Image =
// Don't include the text of the My Computer location in the full path of it's children.
// like Windows // Explorer. For example, "C:\Program Files" is a complete path.
myComputerLocation.IncludeTextInFullPath =
myComputerLocation.Tag = myComputerNode;
// Assign the folder/open folder icons for all generic folders
this.tvwFolders.Override.NodeAppearance.Image = this.IconManager.GetBitmap(IconName.FolderSmall);
this.tvwFolders.Override.ExpandedNodeAppearance.Image = this.IconManager.GetBitmap(IconName.FolderOpenSmall);
// Assign the folder icons for all generic folders
this.unbFolders.LocationSettings.Appearance.Image = this.IconManager.GetBitmap(IconName.FolderSmall);
// Expand and select the Desktop node
desktopNode.Expanded =
desktopNode.Selected =
Please download this sample:
Here ia the code:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
ultraNavigationBar1.InitializeLocations += new Infragistics.Win.Misc.UltraWinNavigationBar.InitializeLocationsHandler(ultraNavigationBar1_InitializeLocations);
void ultraNavigationBar1_InitializeLocations(object sender, Infragistics.Win.Misc.UltraWinNavigationBar.InitializeLocationsEventArgs e)
DirectoryInfo[] dirs = new DirectoryInfo(e.ParentLocation.Key + "\\").GetDirectories();
foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirs)
e.ParentLocation.Locations.Add(dir.FullName, dir.Name);
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DirectoryInfo[] dirs = new DirectoryInfo("C:\\").GetDirectories();
ultraNavigationBar1.RootLocation.Locations.Add(dir.FullName, dir.Name);
ultraNavigationBar1.NavigateTo("Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\Common7", true);
I downloaded: I made a new simple sample for you only with your requirements using the code from my previous sample (Infragistics FileExplorer
Where in the code did you make the change? Or did I download the wrong file?