I am using the following version of the Infragistics Excel dlls:-
Name: Infragistics3.Documents.Excel.v12.1
I am facing following issues:-
Thanks for updates!
I apologize, I see that you reported this issue in 12.1. The first SR to contain the fix for this version is 12.1.20121.2071.
As it turns out, these were both one issue. The circularity errors were causing the performance problem. It was fixed on 10/1/12 and the first SR to contain the fix was 12.2.20122.2006.
Did both issues mentioned above fixed now? If yes , then what is the SR number?
Hi Garth,
I have been asked to create a case for you for this issue. Your case number is CAS-97706-4LB0JS. I have also logged these issues with development for further investigation. They have been linked to your case so that when a fix or other resolution is found you will be notified automatically. The ID for each of these issues are:
118629 - "#CIRCULARITY!" issue
118632 - Reading performance issue