Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get the TimeslotUIElement when you know both the Timeslot and Owner column of the TimeSlotUIElement?
Dim Own1 as Owner = me.CalendarInfo1.Owners(1)Dim Tslot as Timeslot = me.GetTimeSlotFromTime(tslotTime)Dim tslotUiElement as TimeSlotUIElement = ?????????????????????
Now lets assume that I have used a custom draw/creation filter and have placed a custom text string within that TimeSlotUIElement.
I know the TimeSlotUIElement contains custom text because I put it there... but how do I read it?
Knowing just those two bit of information - the TimeSlotUIElement OWNER and the TimeSlotUIElement Parent Timeslot how can I access the TimeSlotUIElement?
Once I get a reference to the TimeSlotUIElement then I can then simply do a .GetDescedants call... eg:
Dim textelement As TextUIElement = TryCast(TimeSlotUIElement.GetDescendant(GetType(TextUIElement)), TextUIElement)
and then I can read the text within.
Thanks in advance