For grids with several levels of data the first column is padded so the other columns are aligned, my question is if it would be possible to increase the padding of each level depending of the bands that are expanded.
I'm not sure what you mean by "depending of the bands that are expanded." You can control the indentation on each band using the Indentation property on the band.
What I want to achieve is that if we have bands for the level "i+" collapsed those bands and their child will have Indentaion = 0 until expanded.
I'm coding this my self with the OnAfterCollapsed/OnBeforeExpand events, but will be good to know if there is some way of doing that in an automatic/standard way.
Hello jcmarq,
I wanted to know if you were able to solve your issue based on these suggestions or you still need help. Please let me know.
Yes, we had to get to an intermediate solution to avoid hitting the performance.