I have exported my ultraChart to PDF also have added some text section in it. Now the issue i am facing is, in my pdf, for each section, a new page is created. I have added two text sections and than the AddCanvas section. Created PDF cotains three pages with each containing one section. Below is my code and i have also attach the generated PDF with this post.
Report report = new Report();
/// Adding First Text Section /// ISection firstTextSection = report.AddSection(); IText firstTitleText = firstTextSection.AddText();
Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Graphics.Font titleFont = new Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Graphics.Font("Tahoma", 15f, Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Graphics.FontStyle.Bold);
Style titleStyle = new Style(titleFont, Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Graphics.Brushes.SteelBlue); TextAlignment titleAlignment = new TextAlignment(Alignment.Center, Alignment.Middle);
firstTitleText.Alignment = titleAlignment; firstTitleText.Style = titleStyle; firstTitleText.AddContent("First Title");
/// Adding First Text Section /// ISection secondTextSection = report.AddSection(); IText secondTitleText = secondTextSection.AddText();
secondTitleText.Alignment = titleAlignment; secondTitleText.Style = titleStyle; secondTitleText.AddContent("Second Title");
/// Adding chart section /// this.ultraChart1.RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics(report.AddSection().AddCanvas().CreateGraphics());
/// Publising Report /// report.Publish("F:\\Test.pdf", FileFormat.PDF);
Thanks .. it solve my problem
This sounds like just what I did when I first started working with these controls. :-)
Creating a Section actually will always start up a new page. What you really want to do is create one Section object on the report. To create your 'groupings', I would recommend looking into the other available reporting objects. A good place to start is the Band object. It will look something like this:
IBand newBand = mySection.AddBand();
You should be able to add your content (text, image, Canvas, etc.) into the band object. Any time you want to start a new 'grouping' of objects in the report but not necessarily start a new page, then you add a new Band object and add new content to that new Band object.
Hope that helps!