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Text inside a task bar to be a concatenation of the name and the start and end dates and user text column

I have the following code

  With .BarSettingsSummary

           .BarTextInside = TaskUI.BarTextField.Name   

End With

I have identified a need to be able to leave the Task Name "as is " and change change the text inside the task bar to be something like the following:

With .BarSettings

.BarTextInside = oTask.Name + ": " + CStr(oTask.StartDateTime) + " - " + CStr(oTask.EndDateTime)

End With

Unfortunately this is not allowed.

So I tried
 Dim ug As UltraGrid = TryCast(ugv.[GetType]().GetField("grid", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance Or System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance Or System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(ugv), UltraGrid)             ug.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Override.CellMultiLine = DefaultableBoolean.[True]             For Each row As UltraGridRow In ug.Rows                

                     row.Cells("Name").Value = "Name" + "Dose"   


But  while this does change the TaskBar text it also set the Task Name to be the Cell value

Is there a way to achieve this? When will a "user defined column" be able to be added as Bar Text?

Thank you

  • 53790
    Verified Answer

    Hello skalyniuk,

    Maybe one possible approach to acheive desired behavior could be if you are using CreationFilter. By this way you could modify your TaskBarTextUIElements and include in desired infromation (Task`s name, StartDate and EndDate) in the BarUIElement .

    Let me know if you have any questions.
