Hi All,Is this possible to assign multiple table source to an Ultracombo ?My requirement is to group the display result in Ultracombo. Each group will have different column count and column name (each section is unique).I am developing .Net 2.0 application.I need to display the Ultracombo like this.<Ultra Combo ><Section 1 having col1,col2,col3><Section 2 having col1,col2,col3><Section 3 having col1,col2,col3,col4></Ultra Combo>Thanks in Advance.
I have already developed a control by using ultratree control. Now changing the ultratree to ultragrid is not that much easy. I just want one more additional feature that is highlighting the text.
I have achieved the similar functionality in UltraCombo by using HTML tags.
In UltraCombo datasource, i have appended the tags like below,
<B>sample text</B>
It gives me "Sample Text" in bold font in combo dropdown.
But while using the same HTML tags in Ultratree datasource doesnt resolve the issue. It just diplays the text with HTML tags in ultratree.
Is there any other way to use html tags or to highlight the particular text in ultratree??
I am developing 2.0 application.
Thanks in Advance.
Hello Raja,
Few months ago I made similar sample with "Google search" behavior, so maybe one possible solution of your task, could be if we combine this sample with the sample in that forum thread : http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/74230.aspx
My suggestion is to replace our UltraTree in the UserControl with UltraGrid. The grid also has option to represent hierarchicay data, we need to set the properties below to have similar Look and Feel like it is in the UltraTree:
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].ColHeadersVisible =false;
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Appearance.BackColor =Color.White;
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.RowSelectors = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Override.BorderStyleCell = Infragistics.Win.UIElementBorderStyle.None;
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Override.BorderStyleRow = Infragistics.Win.UIElementBorderStyle.None;
Using CreationFIlter, Column style : col.Style =ColumnStyle.FormattedTextEditor; and FormattedTextUIElements (please take a look at the attached sample in mentioned forum thread) we could solve this task.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi,This feature looks great. I just like to customize this control as an autosuggest type-ahead(like as in google search).
I will bind the Dataset to the ultratree. So that i will get the tree structered datatable.
Now what i ll do is, I will type some characters in the combobox (which is integrated with ultraTree) and if that characters are matched with any of the strings in columns of ultraTree then i need to highlight that particular chars in ultratree by making it as caps.
Eg. It is something like in above diagram, as Test9 is typed in combobox and Test9 is high lighted in ultratree. (If strings in more than one columns or partially matched with any column we need to highlight that string also)
Can anyone help me out this. Thanks in advance.
I`m not sure that I understand your requirements
Raja Subramaniyan said:We want this to be work like the ultrawin Grid in ultracombo display layout. Usually the dropdown width will be high
Hi, We want this to be work like the ultrawin Grid in ultracombo display layout. Usually the dropdown width will be high. Because of this i need to set the entire width to the user control also.(Need to implement without scroll horizontal scroll) Is there any way like i can bind the dataset to the Ultracombo Display layout. Also, In the attched sample, to set the ultratree height i need to set the height to usercontrol itself. Is there any way like i can have the usercontrol size fixed and ultratree height is dynamic? Can you please let me know the other approches also. Thanks in Advance.