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Loading toolbar content from package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.IDE.ToolbarControlsInstaller.ToolbarInstallerPackage' {2C2988B35-07DA-45F1-96A3-BE55D91C8D7A} excessive wait time.

I have both Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 installed on the same machine.  When I load a project I get the message "Loading toolbar content from package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.IDE.ToolbarControlsInstaller.ToolbarInstallerPackage' {2C2988B35-07DA-45F1-96A3-BE55D91C8D7A}" in VS 2010's status bar and it just sits there until it's done.  To fix this problem I've gone through the registry and removed all instances of the GUID: {2C2988B35-07DA-45F1-96A3-BE55D91C8D7A}. This fixes the loading issue; however, I don't have the Infragistics toolbox with the controls.